Ivars Taurins as Handel |
The WSO will hopefully remember that they liked him and won't give him their customary cold shoulder at the first rehearsal.
At the choral rehearsals I have a new seatmate, and if you are a chorister you know how tricky that can be. Some singers blend beautifully together and some don't. Some singers lean too heavily on you and some allow you to lean. I am happy to report that my new partner has a beautiful voice and is 10x the sight reader I am. She is young and has not sung the Messiah before but this did not stop her from getting every entry and every note right. I am sure I will learn that she is a professional soloist somewhere and was flown in to help us out. On the other side of me is my faithful partner of many years. We are obsessed with sitting together at every rehearsal and live in fear of being separated for performance. Yup, we are those type.
In the First Mennonite Church Choir we are performing Schubert's Mass in G which I have not sung before and so I am happy to have the opportunity and surprised to learn that I really like it. This is the link to a good performance of it. It is so simple but melodious. That performance is Nov. 30th, 7pm at the church 922 Notre Dame Avenue, if you want to experience it LIVE. Franz Schubert was but a teenager when he composed this Mass but us old timers will do our best to do it justice.